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“A simple, highly melodic affair with a number of lovely little tunes played… completely full of pastoral beauty. Scarcely a moment goes by without something lovely being heard.” (Movie Wave)

Yellow Flowers on the Green Grass (Christopher Wong)

The latest release of MovieScore Media is Vietnam’s official submission to the 2016 Academy Awards and comes courtesy of Christopher Wong (Journey from the FallThe Rebel). Directed by Victor Vu, Yellow Flowers on the Green Grass is based on a novel that takes place in the late 1980s, telling the tale of 12-year old Thieu and his 7-year old brother Tuong whose life gets complicated when a girl starts to break up the bond between them. The film is the highest grossing drama in Vietnamese cinematic history and is the country’s official submission to the Best Foreign Language Film category of the Academy Awards – it also marks the tenth collaboration between Victor Vu and composer Christopher Wong.

“This is the first drama we have worked on together since First Morning, Victor’s debut feature made almost 15 years ago.” recalls Wong about the score. “In returning to making a drama with a more artistic and less commercial style, we had to unlearn some of the instincts we’d developed in making thrillers. We had to trust that a slower pace would let the character interactions breathe a bit more, and that simplicity in the style was something to be embraced, particularly because the characters were children living a humble life in the countryside. I felt the style of the film afforded the opportunity to write a lyrical, melody driven orchestral score, which is the mode that I enjoy working in the most.

Composer Christopher Wong has established himself as the go-to composer for the rising generation of Asian American directors. Christopher’s interest in film music began late in college when he was selected by the music department to study privately under Jerry Goldsmith. His first major credit was Journey from the Fall, the debut feature from director Ham Tran – the film received a standing ovation at the Sundance Film Festival, while the score earned a nomination from the International Film Music Critics Association for Best New Composer of 2007. Apart from Journey from the Fall, MovieScore Media has also released Christopher’s score for The Rebel, a historical drama set in 1920 French Indochina and the romantic comedy How to Fight in Six Inch Heels.

MMS16019 • YELLOW FLOWERS ON THE GREEN GRASS (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Music Composed by CHRISTOPHER WONG
Release date (digital): December 16, 2016
Release date (CD): January 27, 2017

Christopher Wong on MovieScore Media

Drama Music on MovieScore Media